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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  September 21, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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while this roup is saying the -ecession is over, it does not say thattthe economy has returned back to normal and wit3 ú%e unemployment rate at 9.6 ú%tionwide and growth too slow in recent months to drive that rate down, many peoppe believe3 we are stiil in recession regardless of what these researchers may say. >> you know, businesses right now are holding back on a lot of increase oming. they see a tax if the presideet wants this economy to grow again, he needs %-law in place rather than a tax increase. has mus!!!!rasmussen poll, 7% os say that the country is still if a receesion. almost 80% say they know someene out of work and looking for job.3 many of our ffcebook fans agree. susan wrote in and said whaa a
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drive around the city and open your eyes,,how the thousands upon thousands of people unemployed. it's over, see what they say? what do you think, do you think the rrcession is over? let us know on the facebook page. i ill be reading some of your responses throughout the morning. megan gilliland. fox 45 early edition. a two alarm fire ripped through a home in north baltimore overnight injuring one person. there were six people inside this ome on northern parkway -hen the fire broke out around 2:30 this morning. everyone scaped, including one woman who was njured when she jumped out of a second story wwndow. she is expected to be okay. the cause of the fire is still under investigationn for the second time in months, the coach for theú baltimorr ravenn is facing drunk driving chargess assistant offensive coach ranny monthlier wa!olar was pulled ovr speeding. he was impaired and charge with seeeral violations including dui. last ffbruary he was charged
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with dui and charged wwth negligent driving in carroll county. he acquitted oo those charges last onth. help to findda missing teenager thissmorniig. %-for 17 years old rosa torres, she was last seen on wood borne avenue in north baltimore on sunday night. officers say that toores had threatened suicide. ú%e has relatives in montgomery counny and may be on her way there. anyyne with information is asked %-unit. the missing perssn's a bolt more wooan is arrested in the beat -- a -altimore woman ii rafted in the beating death of her aunt. she is facing charges including first-degree murdee. mitchell beaten to death.ciliaú thhy belief simmons beat her with the club, the deeice used to will be lock a car.3 %-told a dispatcher he hurt her aunt.
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>> when police arrived, the aunt was sufferinn from traumaaic head wounds. she was trannported to shock ú%am and unfor at nttauma anddr succumbbd to injuries. simmons is charged with there's a prelimiiary hearing set for today in the case of a 14 years old accused arteeshii holt is charged in the death of jose perez.ú another an survived the incident. a man who told police he hates hispanics is indicted on the murddr and hate crime charges. a baltimore grand jury returnedú an indictment in the case of jeer haynjeer hayne holy. he beat reyes with a wooden stake. he told investigators that he arrested..3nics after being know a lot mmre about the environment.. under a proposal a vote today before the state school board.
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environmental education would be required for all high school students. schools in eachhcounty would decideehow to teach the material and students would not have to pass an additional est to graduate. the mta will unveil its new charm card today. it's similar to the smart trip card used in the d.c. meero region. people using the light rail and -etro buss will be able to putt3 funns on the card and use the money to pay for their trip. ooficials are hoping that ii will decrease the use of paper tickets. the charm card can be used anywhere riders will see the charm card and smart trip names displayed. coming up on thh early edition, resistance to wind power. >> at first i saw what the ind turbine and how hhgh is 80 eet. >> why some are trying to stop construction of this green -p anothhr real pleasaat dayú if you liked more of yesterday more of the same. on the bay 78 degrees and mostly
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tax on everything you buy? that's in andy harris' unfair tax plan. 23% sales tax. a 23% sales tax will cut my business in half. would be devastating. andy harris' 23% sales tax absolutely makes no sense. 23% sales tax would really make things unaffordable. that's too high for the average american out here. i don't know how we would manage it really. don't like that idea. we can't afford andy harris' idea. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message.
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>>5:37 now n fox 45 earlyú edition. fox's new comedies premier tomorrow.3 think you are as funny as oxxú if you aae, you can laugh ll the way to the bank. submit your best clean jokes at our website. we will pick three winners on friday. up for grabs, tons of great stuff including a sllde hd flip camera, a wii gaming console and a campinggprize pack. and you can watch all new comedies this fall ere on fox 45. check the ssason premier of glee %-premier of raising hope at 9:00 and the serres premier of running wild at 9:30 here on fox 45. now let's check in with %-good morning, steve.rtig.ú
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good morning, patrice. clean skies out there. it's theeway of no clouus, i mean, clear skies, what we ould call it, 61 degrees is the temperature. results of the clear skies,, though ith winds that are cooler teeperatures in the outlying areas, i will show you winds out of tte west at 3 miles per hour. the barometer is on thh rise, though. %-connrol our weather and bring3 another nice day, too. 43 is the ew point. temperature in baltimore, 58 in d.c. and 53 in hagerstown and wilmington, delaware, seeing upper 40s in spots and 52 outt3 in oakland. meanwhile we goo a nice dry scan. hd radar not revealing any rain, at least not today ann probably not for most of the week in terms of anything significant, but as high pressure slides to the east, we will see more in from the south with plenty of the waam, moist air comes in and bringing shower chances to the
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western part of the state it %-afternoon, the best chance for the moisture stays north.ú the next front comes through and bringing us a hance of showers by friday night into saturday. meanwhill the jet stream is going to stty well to the north -nd that is going tooallow for the warm, moist air commng in. we couud get a shower or tww, but generrlly we will get a temperatures in the 70s and 80s, for wednneday, thursday. and until we get theer, we have another seasonable day. shore. northeast wind bbcoming3 hour. the central part of the state, getting up to upper 70s. 78 degrees with light of sun, northeast becoming southeass northeast looking at high warmest part with a lot of sun, hour. tonight not quite as cool as we drop to 65 degrees under clear skies. south winds at 5-10 miles per
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the wind shift to the south, doesn't allow the temperatures to cool down as much as. late day showers or thunderstorms even into early thursday, 88 for the high, lookú at the temperatures, 90 degrres3 on friday with mostly sunny skies early and late showers possible sunday night into saturday. 80 degrees for the high on saturday. sunday a bit cooler behind the frrnt, 78 degrees doesn't sound too bad iffyou're headed to m&t bank stadium for the ravens game. ú% should be comfortable there. 75 degrees on monday with mostly clear skies. as far as the commute ii morning, we will check in with lauren cooke who is here with the track edge. lauren? thank you, steve. if you'reetravelinggin northeen baltimore, we are dealing with a two-alarm fire that shhtdown falls road between northern pprkway and harvest road. you want to stick with roland avenue as the alttern route. %-the beltway, here is a live l3 -t liberty road, here everything issmoving along just fine an 11-minutt ride from 7953
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to 95, it will remain clear if you are traveling in the beltway in the parkville area. here is a look at the hartford road. it will be an eass drive as you make the push toward providence roadd as for the nnrtheast orriior of 95, no problems to rrport in3 this vicinity. beltway. you can see o problems to reportt a quick 4-minute ride from whitemarsh boulevard to the rideeas you make your wwy into the city. iffyou're traveling through the tunnels, all is clear through the fort mac mchenry and he harbor tunnel. %-patrice, back to you..3eport. thank you, lauren. vehicle crashes are the ú%mber one kiiler of teenagers and a new study gives an insight into why. a recent survey bay harris interactive questioned nearlyú stephen hundred teenagers.3 -- 1700 teenagers many only 36% said had a regular testing during driviig could result in death. while 55% the same about drinking and driving.
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but they''e bothhequallyy3 dangerous. joel d smicket is liv smith is t centennial high school where a demonstration is to prove how dangerous and even deadly >> rrporter: this is going to be happening later with the mba officcally doing their course. it's bben studied and everything. we have made our own course for demonstration purposes. student government presidentt fiiss, claire a, have you texted while drivinn. ú%done, i everybody has >> reporter: have you done it lately. >> no. >> reporrer: ow stuff is it when you stop at the stoplight. >> it's tough. because you ccn see the light in your peripheral vision, so yyu are itching to know what it is. but you stop ecause you thinkk3 it's the right thiig to do, righh? p> it's not just you on the road, it's everybooy else, too. >> reporterr but not everybooy is doing the same
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thing as you. you have friends, some of them are still doing it. >> right, of course. >> reporter: ou're in the car when they're trying to text nerve-racking.d of >> ind of, and there's a million things going on. ann lately i offer to eet for thhm. %-we're going tt do here.think we saw you go through the course, and you didn't knock -nything, thattis hen you didd3 it with two hands. how do you hink you will do with one hand? >> i don't know. ú% reporree: i gave her my she is going to try to text me something while she is driving. wwy don't you pull uu here first. let's see how you an do with one hand. you havv e loaddd up. texting. at least load me so you can get text me 2 or 3 words, how aaout text this is hard.
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and start. here we go. beeping now, they're saying, let's go, claire, et's start driving.3 there she goes. we mmad this ourse kind of -- made this course kind of tight but not impossible..3 she is hitting a few things already and coming aaound, come on around claire, come on again to the beginning. let's see what the result was. you did textn me somethhig here. she wrote me, nothing? it juss was sent. here comes the second one, here the result guys,,here is what shh texted me. the accuracy is not the greatestt tid bbt, hqt. >> what were you trying to ú%ite. >> thii is hard. >> reporter: not only wws it hard to ttxt, we did get sooething out of and that s showing how difficult this is. she doesn'ttdd this anymore but we are going to be talkinggtt
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the mba and stats that are hard >> hope levelyhopefully there'sn for adults and there's adults to text and drive. >> reporter: starting next month, that is whennthe driving hhs to bb hands free as well when you'reejust listeniig to the phone orrtalking to anybody. not ust textingg but talking oo the phone, that changes next week as well. >> that is true, i had forgotten, it's hard to believe that october is here. time to gettprepared or that,3 thank you, joel. >> reporter: all right. >> still aheed, rry leeis and terrrll suggs sound off on the penalties called on sunday's game. hear their explosives commentss the meters have been running backward
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as the demand for energy keeps growing nd prices keep soaring, many people are turning to wind to generate electricity of their own. lately permits to build wind turbines havv turned to trouule. >> reporter: in her quiet corner of pikesville..3 >> when you're here, you feel like you're in edenn >> reporter: rrth gold stein. p>>that's a hybrid right there. >> reporttr: has forever
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>> i have been a lifetime vegetarran. >> reporrer: not lonn ago, a new wind cameeblowing er way. down the street a neighbor had asked the county for permission to build an 80-foot tall wind turbine. >> at first i thought what a wind turbine is how high is 80 feet. >> reporter: farms have longú used these wind mills to generate electricity and cut >> we're thinking of the advantage of the free wind that keeps on blowing from this side3 taking advantage of that to make electricity. >> reporter: on his horse farm in frederrck county, four turbines produce more ppwer than the farm can use. >> ur meters have been running backwarrs. >> reporter: in his pikesville communiiy, the wind >> i don't thhnk thht an 80-foot wind mill elongs anywhere in at
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a neighborhood like this. >> reporter: she insisted -hat a turbine would be too -all, too noisy and perhaps too dangerous for a coomunity. >> a wind air-conditioning in of listening to cricket. >> reporter: and for many residents it's complicating their demand for alternative ffrms of energy. the demand for wind power prompted baltimore county, vince -arden a toodraft a bill whicc generated wind turbine.ú his bill limited the height and the nise level of wind mills and reetricted whereeit could be built. but it didn't go far enough to >> they could be 500 feet tall,. you couud have 5 of them or 10 of them. >> it's basically an education issue.ú >> eportee: last month, councilman garden a wound you the withdrawing the bill because ittthe bill.
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was controversial. >> we don't just want green sprawl. reporter: about a 3rdú of the baltimore countiee a -ut as the demand grows, so does %-it pits environmentist, aaaint the environmentist. >> these 30 years old discover thhy just discovered the3 environment foobes for no. >> reporter: for now the county haa put a alt on the >> it's a world for alternativv energy,,we just want it done right. >> reporter: jeff able, fox 45 morning news. opponents are calling for the county to form an advisory panel. tte pannl would help draw up future regulations on wind turbines.3 cominggup later on foo 45 morning news, saving money by choosing the storr brand. why some shoppers ccntinue to shell out the extra dough over
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next after a 4 interception performance on sunday. [ quinn ] my name is quinn, and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo.
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in wwke of sunday's llss to the cincinnati bengals, there's hose ithose in raven's nation wt to see changes made. yes, there's those who want to %--e didn't play very well on sunday that's for sure. high.3beeter septions are the 4e on my show raid on, eople weretying off. chance. bolder shoulddhave aff, three two different games. in old number 5.
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>> nobody has a better perspective on it than us inhouse. we like our football drea team. we likeeour players. we are not one bit concerned about our talent level. we knno we can win with the guys weegot, and that is what we intend to do. flagginggterrell suggs for herrera who works for fox, says he can see why the call was made, but heefeels it's incorrect, saying thaa suggs not palmerrdown.or throw carson %-quarterback, a lot of the cals don't gettthrown.úi'm not goingy i play it.3 i was alreaay engaged in it, you ú%ow, i could do the playyagain, >> a man pull p from hittingg3 tte quarterback and the quarterback keep the ball. you ffnish the play like we were taught to do. that's what e defenne do,
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finish the play, terrell can't ú%ll in mid-air. and it's 6 points. you don't have to assume if they call t you don't have to make it assume. like i said, t's 6 points, hhw many we lost?ú absolutely! >> the oriooes after a dra drami 11th win, the birds aree3 embarked on a final road trrp off season through tampa bay and they opened up in style last night. bottom of the 6th, game tied. runners on the corner, and davi3 matt wetter makes the ttrow. t and gun downed, jet laurie3 heading home, unconventional, strike them out, and throw hem out to the inning. riddr into right.he hhnging and tte orioles led 4-2. then on the bottom of the
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9th,,one out, jd llwis, the play kongy orahara. and thh next one is veretix. and he picks up his 10 save. the orioles takk game one of the series, 4-2 the fiial. that is morning sports. i'm brucc cunningham, fox 45 morning news. no matter where you're from3 we're looking for all of you3 ravens fans to send us in photo3 %-go to and clk on the community features section. coming up in our 6:00 houu, ú%anding up for slots at arundl mills mall, why the cordish company wants voters to say yes to questionna come november. >> the recession over? why researchers are saying things are getting better, and why some of you just aren't buying into it? i'm joel d smith, live at sen10ial high school where
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[ laughing ] hey, let me see that map for a second. just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our lineup of oven-toasted breakfast sandwiches. from egg white flatbreads to bagel sandwiches, grab your favorite just the way you like it. hurry in to dunkin' donuts for a delicious veggie or turkey sausage egg white sandwich. spesz say th!!experts say ts over. >> people wwo are struggling to
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much a paat of it?l feel very %-the store items that are justa >> i thought equality was none negotiable. [ chhering ]3 >> a pop star on a mission. what laay gaga is fighttng for and who is listeninn. good morning. it's tuesday,3 september 21st. you're taking a live look ver the inner bore and hen you seeu see it all little up you have know idea how t's going to look there is the warmest part of the state, u


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